Send us your weirdest, your freshest, your ill-est work, yo. 

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Submit only one piece at time. We will respond to it as quickly as we can, and as soon as we do, you’re free to submit again. Unless submissions are closed, but you already knew that, didn’t you, you rascal.

We can’t pay you for your work. We can’t pay anyone for that. One day, if we can, we will pay, and everyone perhaps! But rest-assured we are making essentially no money off of this here literary endeavor. And it’s costing us something, at least, what’s more.

Authors do retain copyright on all works. What we ask for is one-time electronic rights. Rights revert to the author following publication in Untoward. Also, know that we may want to publish your work in a print anthology, etc. It could happen!

If a piece first published with us is then published in your own collection, we’d really appreciate some acknowledgment someplace in said publication.

Also, yes, you can submit your work here and elsewhere simultaneously, but please let us know your work has then been accepted for publication as soon as possible.

No previously published work, thank you.

Submitting your work to Untoward constitutes acknowledgment of all the aforesaid conditions.

Fiction and Poetry of the following lengths (please submit only one piece of fiction at a time): Short Form: 1500 words, Long Form: 5000 words, or up to 5 poems

Hey all, because we're a not-for-profit organization but there is overhead to keep this site and its literary ambitions alive, we encourage you to consider submitting to us via our "Tip Jar" submissions category. (You can submit both fiction and poetry through this category.) 

Like pretty much every other literary magazine that offers a Tip Jar, you should not expect any special treatment for submitting to this category. It's just a simple way we figure folks can donate to the site, if they're so inclined. 
Untoward Magazine